SAE LAO Project donations


We rely on your support to carry on our work and every donation to SAE LAO counts and will help us in reaching our goals. These include the Sustainable Development Goals.


We have different ways to donate. You could make a wire transfer, buy us 'a free class' or help us with our crowdfunding to buy a new Tuk Tuk. Our current Tuk Tuk breaks down faster than we want and is already very old.

Wire Transfer

Account name: Mittaphap Education


IBAN: 140-11-01-005-7722-2001

Bank: BCEL

Country: Laos

Account: 140-11-00-132-861 

Bank Address: No. 1 Pangkham Street, Vientiane Lao PDR P.O. Box 2925


Note: when you make transfer make sure you copy the account name exactly as shown.


We also can accept credit card donations. for more info please contact us.


Buy us a 'free class'


By donating as little as US$1, you could make an enormous change for the local community here through our education project.


Help our crowdfunding to be able to purchase a new Tuk Tuk truck. With the truck we can do errands, drive back and forth with our volunteers to our schools and the Tuk Tuk can be used with other activities.